Viswanadhan is one of India’s great painters. To get to know his immense body of work spanning four decades will take a lot of time. I have just started to learn more following a recent meeting with the master and some studio visits. Viswanadhan’s life and work have been marked by several milestones that have shaped his art—leading him to film, influencing his palette, affecting his choice of medium. In his journeys back and forth from India and in his continual will to infuse his work with what he is becoming, there is both depth (philosophically speaking) and surface (visually speaking). Whether Viswanadhan’s works and words resonate with me because I am a writer, and hence an artist of sorts, or because I am, like him, from that triangular sub-continental mass that is India, I have no idea. He is proof, in matter and in spirit, that there is no necessary dichotomy between the two; any dichotomy is there only as an invitation to jump across, to make a new journey forward so we can come back again to where we began. Since one of his works is currently on exhibit in Paris we will be speaking together at a formal conversation as part of the exhibition’s program.
Exposition collective CARTON ROUGE
Sunday 29 October 2006
Dialogue with Viswanadhan
L’Atelier Tampon-Ramier, 14 Jules Vallés, Paris 75011
For information and reservations call